• Acanthocephala • Brasiliparodia • Eriocephala • Notocactus • Wigginsia •
The Punta Ballena headland is probably the place with the greatest variety of cacti in Uruguay and is therefore of inestimable value. Unfortunately, there are currently plans to build almost the entire area with 29 buildings (= 320 apartments) plus infrastructure. This would also require large amounts of the rock there to be removed.
A committed citizens' organization (https://somospuntaballena.org/) is running a petition with the help of many experts to preserve Punta Ballena as a nature reserve and regularly organizes discussion events on the topic
This somospuntaballena initiative has to raise a lot of money every month for the public relations work for its petition, as well as the information and discussion events. This is only possible through constant calls for donations - please support the commitment of this organization with your donation:
In the INTERNOTO magazine 2/2024, numerous authors report on the headland, its botanical diversity and the threats posed by the planned development. As additional support for the somospuntaballena initiative, we offer this themed INTERNOTO magazine also as a free PDF version in Spanish for download!
Aus dem Inhalt: Peter Krämer: Umtopfen – Lästig aber sehr hilfreich (Seite 87-91) Sami Mohammad: Pflanzliche Reproduktionsorgane am Beispiel von Notocactus concinnus einmal näher betrachtet (Seite 91-94) Petr Kaloč: Eine Überraschung bei Wigginsia calvescens N. Gerloff & A.D. Nilson (Seite 94-96) Peter Krämer: Ein Blick in alte INTERNOTO-Zeitschriften - 1990 (Seite 97-105) Andreas Kräuter: Meine Kakteen (Seite 106-112) Wolfgang Prauser: Punta Ballena – ein Naturparadies in Gefahr (Nachlese) (Seite 113-114) Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Corrêa Pontes: Eine interspezifische Hybride zwischen Eriocephala claviceps und Eriocephala magnificus in Kultur (Seite 115-119) Mitgliedervorstellung: Detlef Crone (Seite 119-120)